
Book Reviews-Making an Effort

Book reviews are something I want to make more of an effort to do. It is the least I can do for an author that has given me the pleasure of reading their written words. I do my best to review the books that I read. However, I have never been good at giving written reviews of the books that I read because Amazon requires a certain number of words for a book review. Sometimes, what I have to say is short & sweet. In other words, I don’t need Amazon telling me how much or how little to say. As a result, I only give “stars”. If a book captured my attention and held it, I give it 5 stars.

To say I love to read would be a gross understatement. I read A LOT! In fact right now on my Kindle app it tells me that I have read for 179 weeks in a row and 373 days in a row. My favorite genre is Romantic Comedy, however I will read pretty much anything in the romance genre…suspense, erotic, clean, etc. It doesn’t really matter to me, I just enjoy a good story. According to my Kindle app I have read:

  • 2019-180 books
  • 2020-224 books
  • 2021-151 books.

To justify all of the reading I do, I decided to do something good with it. With this purpose in mind, I thought I’d give blogging a try. If I can encourage people to read the books that I have enjoyed and support the authors that I love then it is a win/win for everyone!

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and are willing to be patient with me as I figure out how all of this works and the best way to proceed.

Giving you honest feedback and reviews. Let me now your thoughts.